
San Diego Regional Academy

Welcome San Diego Regional Public Safety Training Institute Recruits!

Ace Uniforms is honored to serve you as you begin your journey in law enforcement.

Here at Ace Uniforms, the trusted partner for San Diego Regional Academy recruits. On this page, you'll find all the essential information on how to easily order your academy uniforms at our San Diego or Vista locations.

Throughout your academy journey, you will order 3 different types of uniforms:

1. PT Uniforms and Gear - Before Day 1 of the academy, you'll visit one of our locations to get fitted for your personalized PT uniforms and gear

2. Class A - Towards the end of graduation, you'll get fitted for your Class A (Dress) uniforms

3. Class B

How to Order Your Uniforms

Ordering your uniforms has never been easier! Visit us at one of our two convenient locations in San Diego or Vista. Here’s how you can get started:

1. Choose Your Location

San Diego Store: Located in the heart of the city, easy access from the academy.

Vista Store: A short drive from San Diego, this location offers the same great selection closer to home for some.

2. What to Bring

Academy Specification Sheet: Ensure you bring the specification sheet provided by the academy to get the approved uniform items.

Personal Identification: A valid ID is required for verification purposes.

3. Fitting and Customization

Our experienced staff will assist you with fittings to ensure your uniform meets all academy standards.

Custom tailoring services are available on-site to ensure a perfect fit.

4. Order and Pickup

Place your order during your visit. Our team will guide you through the process, making it smooth and straightforward.

Choose to pick up your order at the store or have it delivered directly to your preferred address.

Why Choose Ace Uniforms?

Trusted by Professionals: We are proud suppliers to law enforcement and public safety professionals across the region since 1958.

Quality and Durability: Our uniforms meet the highest standards of quality and durability, ensuring they last through your rigorous training.

Expert Staff: Our staff are knowledgeable about academy requirements and ready to assist you in every step of the ordering process.

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